Greedy guts

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Growing up fat, working class and happy in the depths of South Wales, Gina Tonic was raised in one of the most unforgiving times to be a girl: the early 2000s. As she grew a little older, a little wider, and just a little more conscious of society's negativity towards bigger bodies, she started to see her fatness as an opposition. Grappling with the era's body shaming and blatant sexism while dealing with a growing body of her own, Gina found herself struggling with a lack of fat representation and role models long before anyone had heard of body positivity. With time, Gina's body became something to love, enjoy and celebrate, and in 'Greedy Guts' she challenges how we think about body beauty standards, fatphobic culture and ourselves. Gina shows just how fat liberation - and female liberation - are essential, exploring many topics with her trademark candour, warmth and humour.