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Liberty is one of the best-known luxury retailers in London, and is renowned internationally for its fabrics. Alongside its floral patterns, Liberty has also had a long history of developing bold, geometric designs inspired by early 20th-century avant-garde art, notably by the Italian Futurists - by artists such as Giacomo Balla, Gino Severini and Umberto Boccioni - and their English contemporaries the Vorticists, including Percy Wyndham Lewis, Christopher Nevinson and Edward Wadsworth. FuturLiberty is a brand new range of fabrics, launched in the spring of 2023, carrying the Liberty heritage of avant-garde-inspired designs into our own age. With texts by Futurism expert Ester Coen, Vorticism expert Richard Cork and former Liberty archivist Anna Buruma, the FuturLiberty range of designs is brought to life in this study.