Your Money, Your Vote

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In the UK, the majority of us now own shares in listed companies - whether that be through a stock and share ISA, a self-made investment or a work pension scheme. What few people know is that every share comes with a vote in company decisions, over everything from executive pay to corporate strategy. So far, though, only a very few of us get a say on how it is run. That needs to change - and can change. The technology exists to allow us to vote with our shares - all we need to do is learn how to use it. In this book, Merryn Somerset Webb takes us deep into the world of corporate capitalism - from the privatisation of state-owned companies in the 1980s to the financial crash of 2008 and the growth of the modern multinational - to show us how capitalism went wrong and how, with 10 simple recommendations, every one of us now has the power to make it work for us.